I did get some sewing done this week and practiced some new ideas. Wanted a simple and quick one day/week kinda project so thought I would make a wearable muslin of Colette Ginger out of some pink fabric I got from Ikea. The skirt requires interfacing. This was straightforward although like always I checked and double checked everything so it actually took a while. Since then Tilly has put up a post on interfacing which can be found here and is her usual high standard. Skirt came together well, but I got over confident with the invisible zip and that is as far as i got.
Things I practiced
1. Using a tracing wheel and paper so that i didn't need to cut the pattern
2. Interfacing
3. Invisible zip - will finish this over the weekend
Points to remember
1. label the pieces of cloth with the letter
2. press not iron the interfacing
3. follow the tutorial on zips from colette web site
4. buy fabric, zips and thread at the same time so that they match
the quest to have 12 pieces made in 12 months continues although as yet i have 2 near finished muslins Still plenty of year left though.
need to sort out for next week
1. completed ginger
2. photos
3. start navy corduroy ginger